Data Science

Data Science

Clicking on the Data Science card once your shed has been built will open JupyterLab.

JupyterLab is the next-generation web-based user interface for working with Jupyter notebooks.

Jupyter is a popular tool for working with notebooks.

For data scientists, notebooks are a crucial tool. Notebooks are a form of interactive computing, in which users write and execute code, visualise the results, and share insights. Typically, data scientists use notebooks for experiments and data exploration.

Jupyter is the most popular notebook. Like most modern notebooks, it has two components: First, the client where users input programming code or text in cells in a front-end web page. Notebooks are represented as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) documents. In turn, notebooks can interweave code with natural language markup and HTML. Second, the browser passes the code to a back-end “kernel,” which runs the code and returns the results to the client.

Changes made to notebooks will be versioned and committed back to the source repository in Bitbucket.